It seems as though this blog has been neglected! It is because there is so MUCH going on that recounting it has been near impossible.
We have now been in the house numerous times, and plans are really taking shape. Leases are drafted; lawyers have been consulted; little is left to do. Except for the actual work, which is kind of a big deal. (Do I need to use quotation marks when I'm quoting myself?? I don't think so).
Though, as a sidebar, I was accused of plagiarizing myself in university. Can you even imagine??? I did copy/paste four paragraphs from a previous essay. But still!! It's impossible to plagiarize your own work. Seriously.
Anyway, to the task at hand. We seem to have come to a consensus on a house layout plan, which is great. I am going through the house on Thursday afternoon with the carpentry instructor, which should prove to be useful insofar as determining whether our plans are feasible. It truly is exciting stuff.
When spring springs (that phrase really only works in the past tense, otherwise, it's just ridiculous), we have our work cut out for us. BRING IT ON is what I say!!!