02 June 2010

The offical stuff

Just in case you thought we've quit, we haven't....we're currently in the process of creating certified structural drawings and a complete budget for phase one of the project, which will involve knocking out the wall and chimney on the ground floor as well as the creation of public washrooms.  We will need a building permit and the paperwork is part of that process. Our goal is to have the public gallery "functional, safe and clean" in time for Dooryard on August 11th.  We might make it, we might not, but the work will continue regardless. 

I will also be organizing a volunteer campaign to scrape and paint this Victorian beauty.  If you like to work and don't mind getting paint-y, keep your eyes and ears open for a call for volunteers.  When I have the staging and paint, you'll be hearing from me.  Meanwhile, plans for the Dooryard Arts Festival are looking fantastic so mark your calendars now.

19 April 2010

energy efficiency and the arts unite in the TJ


31 March 2010

If we were gonna quit, we'd have done it already

Energy is high on the RiVA team right now and we're gearing up for Phase One of the project.  It will include gallery and washroom renovations, securing entrances, insulating and preparing for second floor tenants.  We had a great consultation with our house committee and seem to have a clear path on how to proceed.

We applied for our Charitable Tax Status yesterday, which means we should be able to write tax receipts for donations sometime this spring or summer.  The next steps will involve major fundraising and grant applications.  We accept cash, cheques, large donations and small, Canadian Tire money and volunteer help including tradespeople's services.  Now that red tape and construction plans are under control, money is the priority. 

We have a plan, we have met obstacles and revised the plan.  We've seen this building inside and out, we know what we're dealing with.  If we were gonna quit, we would have done it already.  Now we need the financial and moral support of community members to make it happen.  In 4 months, Woodstock could have its first-ever art gallery and performance space for the community.  Think about how 702 Main St. is going to change things.  How big can you dream?

18 February 2010


702 Main Street
Silk-screened tee

Limited supply, sizes m - xxl
All proceeds go directly to renovation costs.


17 February 2010

Phase One

Amy, Kate, and I have been picking away at this blog for the better part of 15 months now. In that time we've experienced some pretty major road blocks.

Between the time -- in autumn of 2008 -- that we discovered that a good friend and supporter of ours owned an old run-down house in our hometown, and now -- really, really for real on the edge of truly tangible progress in turning that house into a community hub -- we've battled with logistics, plans, scope, and vision; signed an agreement to pay $3600 per year to make up for non-existent parking spaces; hosted the first, second, and third of many fund raising events to come; and agonized over the reconciliation of dream and reality.

In short: we've struggled.

We've struggled in part because of environment, in part because of attitudes. Mostly we've struggled because of precedent -- that is, there is none. Our informational resources are disparate, varied, and sometimes contradicting. Our project is a unique one; unique to us, unique to this place, and to this time. Each movement cuts through unbroken space. Every gesture is new -- to be carefully considered and recorded with due diligence. Mark my words: if there is ever someone traveling this path again, we will carry them.

Tracy Anderson made a wonderful video for us, highlighting this project and providing a glimpse at what we are all about. If you've had trouble conceptualizing 702 Main Street up until this point, hopefully watching this will help. If you're easily intimidated you may want to close your eyes at the financial bit.

As I sit here in my freshly silk-screened Get 'Er Done t-shirt (see next post), I still feel just as excited about what we're doing here as I did fifteen months ago. Maybe more. Now that we have the go-ahead to develop, we've started collecting quotes from plumbers, electricians, contractors, and exterminators (raccoons, skunks, and rats, oh my!) What has long been one of the first few steps in the renovation process -- an energy efficiency audit -- is scheduled for Monday afternoon. I expect the results to be horrifically comedic.

Our goal for phase one is to complete the public gallery space and prepare the building for permanent tenants. Watch for more frequent updates -- photos, video, incidental sundries, and cautionary tales -- starting now.

Public: youtube and t-shirts

Here is the video as promised, taking you on a two-part tour of 702 Main Street.  Please help us spread the word! 

Also, we have t-shirts with a picture of 702 on them with the caption "Get 'Er Done" underneath if anyone would like to buy one.  They are $20, with a portion of the proceeds going toward this massive undertaking. 

Thanks to everyone for your continued financial support and encouragement, it means a lot. Today is a very exciting day for artists in the River Valley and for the RiVA team!

15 February 2010

I was at 702 last Wednesday with an electrician while the Weslyan Church was being demolished. 

It was a powerful contrast - hearing what it will take to create a useable community space at 702 and seeing what the consquences will likely be if we fail to mobilize enough support.  It was very sad to see the old church go, but extremely motivating.  There is no doubt in my mind it will take a whole community to make the 702 dream a reality.

So far, we've had a plumber, electrician, engineer, building supplies man, energy efficiency crew and foundation examiner in to have a look.  Although the building is old, it has very good bones and the engineer commented that he had never seen a rock wall basement in such good condition.  So far, so good.

Now we are waiting for the quotes to come in so we can determine precisely what "Phase I" of renovations will include.  Tracy has prepared a great promotional video that will be uploaded here and to youtube soon.  It will take you on a walk-through and get you fired up to help out.  Cheers!


25 January 2010

How You Can Help

Here are five ways you can make 702 into a home for the arts:

1. Make a donation to our parking campaign (see below).  We need $18k
2. Donate your Canadian Tire money for house supplies.
3. Become a RiVa member - memberships are $10 at Fusion
4. Volunteer your time!
5. Donate used office furniture - we have a desk and chair, now we could use a couple of filing cabinets, shelving, a fax machine, printer, paper.

18 January 2010

June 1

With so much going on in the world, one has to look at the positive.

We are now rezoned. This is really happening. What was the pipe dream of three artists and a handy napkin-note taker who happened upon them (that's me!) one year ago is swiftly becoming reality. We've traded red tape for measuring tapes - and Sunday - the RiVA board of directors laid out a timeline and a vision. The marathon meeting (which conveniently concluded with dinner prepared by a pretty pianist)allowed us to establish a date where temporary renters (four members of the board) will move in and begin paying rent to RiVA.

This week we will be calling plumbers, electricians and energy auditors. We intend to do all of the grunt work ourselves with the much-needed help from lovely volunteers in the community.

And we're off and running!!!

08 January 2010


Woodstock Arts Council has graciously agreed to accept donations to help pay for the parking expense of $18 000.  This means you can get a tax receipt for your contribution.  We will be starting a larger public fundraising campaign this winter, but why wait?  You can send your donation to:

Woodstock Arts Council
108 South Ave.
Woodstock,N.B. E7M 2S2

Just write RiVA or "parking campaign" on the envelope so their wonderful treasurer will know to pass it on. 

Thanks for your support - we anticipate a busy spring with fundraising and preparations for next year's Dooryard Arts Festival.  Happy 2010, see you at 702!