15 February 2010

I was at 702 last Wednesday with an electrician while the Weslyan Church was being demolished. 

It was a powerful contrast - hearing what it will take to create a useable community space at 702 and seeing what the consquences will likely be if we fail to mobilize enough support.  It was very sad to see the old church go, but extremely motivating.  There is no doubt in my mind it will take a whole community to make the 702 dream a reality.

So far, we've had a plumber, electrician, engineer, building supplies man, energy efficiency crew and foundation examiner in to have a look.  Although the building is old, it has very good bones and the engineer commented that he had never seen a rock wall basement in such good condition.  So far, so good.

Now we are waiting for the quotes to come in so we can determine precisely what "Phase I" of renovations will include.  Tracy has prepared a great promotional video that will be uploaded here and to youtube soon.  It will take you on a walk-through and get you fired up to help out.  Cheers!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a house that looks to be in derelict shape on the outside is actually in great shape!

Keep up the good work RiVA!!